Agape316 is a Christian nonprofit thrift store that accepts donations and customers pay free will. The business runs solely off of volunteers. They support multiple missions organizations both locally and internationally. Agape316 believes that everyone should have affordable basic items regardless of income. They offer sponsorship programs for local and international children, support children’s homes internationally and personally know each child and staff member, offer resources for families to stay together due to poverty, human trafficking rescue support, prison ministry, and more.
Volunteer Opportunity: Organizing donations (groups welcome!)
Contact: Krista Scanlon; 218-407-7832
Be a Math tutor at Northern Elementary!
Be the difference and put your passion into action — join Math Corps! Across the country, math skills are a challenge for many students. Fewer than one-third of our students are proficient in math. Together, we can help change this!
Learn more by clicking HERE.
Contact: Sky Halbert; sky.halbert@ampact.us
Our local History Museum has many opportunities to be involved. If you have a love for history, this is the place for you! Email to inquire.
Volunteer Opportunity - Event Videographers and Photographers: The Beltrami County Historical Society is seeking dedicated volunteers to join our newsletter team as Event Videographers and Photographers! Volunteers in these roles will capture the exciting moments and memorable events at BCHS, helping us preserve and share our activities with the community. We provide all necessary equipment for photographing or recording events, and event admission is complimentary for all volunteers. We also offer editing software for those with video editing experience to create polished videos for our website and social media pages. If you’re passionate about storytelling through visuals and want to help share BCHS’s story, this is the perfect role for you!
Website: https://www.beltramihistory.org/
Contact: depot@beltramihistory.org or 218-444-3376
Beltrami County Public Health has a Milk Depot and they are looking for donors! Do you have extra expressed breast milk? You can become an approved donor with Minnesota Milk Bank for Babies and drop off your extra breast milk at our Milk Depot.
How to become a Milk Donor: www.mnmilkbank.org/donate-milk
View the flyer: HERE
Beltrami County Public Health website: www.co.beltrami.mn.us/services/public-health
The Bemidji Community Food Shelf is a wonderful resource to our community and surrounding area. Volunteering could include stocking shelves, cleaning, and helping in the garden. Visit their website or contact the volunteer coordinator to learn more about volunteering.
Website: https://www.bcfsmn.org/
Contact: bcfsvolunteer@gmail.com
Bemidji Community Table serves meals four nights a week to those who need it. They are always looking for help with prep, cooking, serving and clean-up. Visit their website to learn more, sign-up and volunteer.
Highlighted Volunteer Opportunity: Bemidji Community Table is looking for extra help feeding our community! Please reach out to Dawn Dahl to inquire: dmdahl63@gmail.com
Website: https://www.communitytablebemidji.org/
Contact: Dawn Dahl; dmdahl63@gmail.com
View their poster HERE.
Bemidji Early Childhood Collaborative (BECC) is dedicated to healthy development and support for children ages 0-5!
Website: www.bemidjiearlychildhoodcollaborative.org
Contact: Lydia Pietruszewski; bemidjiecc@gmail.com
The Bemidji Senior Center is a FUN place to volunteer! They have many opportunities on all levels. Whether you enjoy organizing or teaching a class, there is a place for you.
And they are always looking for help during our Pancake Breakfasts too! Arrival time is either 7am or 7:30am and done by 11am. It is fun and easy! We have lots of other volunteers there to help you and show you the ropes.
Volunteer Opportunity - AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Counselors:
Volunteers are needed to provide free tax filing services to those who need it most. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide provides training and support. This is a rewarding experience that makes a real difference in our community. Training will be provided in November through January at the volunteer's convenience and pace. Tax preparation is done at the Bemidji Senior Center on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays beginning in February. Most volunteers work one day per week and schedules are flexible.
Learn more by calling Susan at 218-751-0060 or go online to AARP.ORG/TAXAIDE.
Website: https://bemidjiseniorcenter.org/
Contact: Josie Proulx, josiejimcable@paulbunyan.net or Mikey Lucia, mmlucia1985@gmail.com
If you enjoy music, this is a great opportunity!! You can become an usher during the concerts, join their Board, be on a committee, events volunteer, office help and more.
Website: https://www.bemidjisymphony.org/
Contact: Katey Lutz, Executive Director at bso@bemidjisymphony.org
Bi-County Community Action Programs, Inc. (BI-CAP) envisions thriving, prosperous, healthy, and inclusive Beltrami and Cass Counties. Current programs include: early childhood education, housing, weatherization, energy assistance, and youth education/employment services.
Website: www.bicap.org
Job Opportunities: HERE (Preschool Teacher, Teacher's Aid, Classroom Coordinator, etc.)
The Boys & Girls Club of the Bemidji Area is always BUSY with activities! They have lots of opportunities to get involved at their club. Whether you are an individual, youth group, school or sports group contact them to create an experience that works for you and for them!
Website: https://www.bgcbemidji.org/get-involved/ (fill out the interest form on their website)
Job Opportunities: https://www.bgcbemidji.org/get-involved/job-postings/
Churches United is a non-profit organization of Bemidji area churches, working together to meet the emergency needs of homeless and low-income people in a prayerful way.
Highlighted Volunteer Opportunity: No matter what your skill set is, we can use your time. If you like helping people, greeting and interviewing guests, filing paperwork, data entry, or just organizing the office; we would love to have you. We are asking for just four (4) hours of your time per month during business hours.
Website: http://bemidjicu.org/volunteer/
Contact: 218-444-1380 or cunited@paulbunyan.net. Or stop in to chat with Wanda (Executive Director) during normal business hours.
Disabled American Veterans North Central Chapter 7 is seeking volunteers to help empty its 25 clothing donation bins located throughout the Bemidji Area.
The bins are emptied twice a week and all the money generated from the donations is used to directly support local veterans in need and organizations directly serving veterans.
Both veterans and non-veterans are welcome to volunteer.
For more information, contact Bruce Tiegan at (218) 308-0962 or DAV Chapter 7 at (218) 556-4592
Evergreen Youth & Family Services has a Youth Crisis Shelter and a Drop-in Center. There are often opportunities to organize, put together food packs, join a committee, help with an event, and other ways to be involved. They also have apartments where youth stay that need minor repairs. If you are a handyman, give them a call! They are always looking for help in this area.
Highlighted Volunteer Opportunity: Evergreen is looking for a volunteer to help with handywork in their apartments (painting, minor repairs, etc.) Contact Courtney to inquire.
Website: www.evergreenyfs.org
Contact: Courtney Gifford at cgifford@evergreenyfs.org
Job Opportunities: www.evergreenyfs.org/careers
If you love animals, then Great River Rescue is the place for you! They have many different opportunities for people who want to help!
Website: https://www.greatriverrescue.com/
Contact: Call 218-751-7910
Whether you love to teach music or want to help at their events, there are lots of opportunities for you!
Website: https://headwatersmusicandarts.org/
Contact: Kendra; kendra.cuthbertson@headwatersmusicandarts.org
Headwaters Science Center loves working with volunteers! Groups, individuals, students, etc. Contact them to create an experience you won't forget!
Website: www.hscbemidji.org
Highlighted Job Opportunity: Three positions are opening for full-time educators on special assignment through a grant. Position includes direct educational services. Contact Lee Furuseth if interested. CLICK HERE to learn more.
Job Opportunities: https://www.hscbemidji.org/1_28_employment.html
Contact: Lee Furuseth, Executive Director, at 218-507-0154 or leehscbemidji@gmail.com
Hope House provides community support services to people with mental illness. They are looking for Board Members, presenters willing to share their talents such as art, music, travel stories, etc. to their clientele, as well as help with landscaping. CLICK HERE to learn more about those opportunities.
Website: https://www.hopehousebemidji.org/home.htm
Contact: Robin Wold, Executive Director, hopehouse@paulbunyan.net
Housing Matters mission statement: Our mission at Housing Matters, is to see that every disabled person who is experiencing long term homelessness receive a stable living environment, in the community of their choosing, whether this is living alone, with other family members, or the best possible housing option that is right for them. We know that positive change can happen within the lives of those that have the opportunity to access safe and healthy housing, and strongly believe that every person is capable of reaching their individual goals through utilizing community resources and supportive services.
Open Positions: Mental Health Professional/Practitioner and Housing Case Manager (learn more about these positions on their website, click below)
Website: www.housingmattersmn.org
Contact: Patrick Harrington pharrington@housingmattersmn.org
LSS Meals on Wheels volunteers personally greet and get to know each person when they deliver the fresh, hot meals. Older adults enjoy the friendly, personal interaction which for many is the only person they see or speak to all day. You can also help out in the kitchen with prep, cooking and clean-up.
Volunteer Opportunity: Meal delivery, serving, kitchen assistance. Deliveries are in Bemidji city limits. Pick and choose what days you are available, we can work with your schedule!
Website: www.lssmn.org/services/older-adults/lss-meals/meals-on-wheels or bemidjiseniorcenter.org/lss-meals-on-wheels
Contact: Reach out to Linda or Nicole: Nicole.jankowsky@lssmn.org, Linda.Watson@lssmn.org
Make a big difference in your life and in the lives of those around you. Share your time and talents and the life you change may be your own! LSS offers several meaningful volunteer opportunities for older adults to give back. You can support other older adults to help them continue living at home and stay active, mentor youth, or give family caregivers a break.
Learn more and apply here: lssmn.org/volunteernow
MHAS is entirely run by volunteers! Everything we do is the result of people like you who enjoy nature and want to make a difference. Look and see if you can help with any of the opportunities on our website or email us and suggest other ways you would like to volunteer with MHAS.
Highlighted Volunteer Opportunities:
Database Management: Assist with review of CRM (customer relations management) database and processes. Help set best practices and train existing staff / volunteers, and assist with ongoing database management. Prior work experience with database management (preferably in a non-profit setting) is a priority for this position. Background check and confidentiality agreement required. Anticipated time commitment: 6 - 12 hours per month. One year commitment requested.
Volunteer Management: Assist with the recruitment, re-engagement and retention of volunteers for all aspects of our programs and facilities. We are looking for an organized people-person who loves working behind the scenes to help make the magic happen! Background check and confidentiality agreement required. Anticipated time commitment: 6 - 12 hours per month. One year commitment requested.
Neilson Spearhead Center (NSC) Maintenance: Volunteers needed for one-time projects at the Neilson Spearhead Center nature preserve and for ongoing engagement as a NSC Management Committee member. Committee members attend once-monthly meetings and help make decisions regarding projects at the preserve. They also provide hands-on assistance. Projects often include trail maintenance and renovations or upkeep of rustic, camp-like facilities at the preserve. All specialties (landscaping, plumping, electrical, construction, etc.) are needed and welcome! A volunteer with general contractor experience would be excellent.
Website: https://www.spearheadmhas.org/volunteer.html
Contact: mhas@spearheadmhas.org or amelia@spearheadmhas.org
MADD has multiple opportunities to be involved in the Bemidji area. If you're interested in creating a safer community, and supporting victim survivors of impaired driving, this is the place for you! Email us to learn more.
Highlighted Opportunity: Victim Impact Panel Coordinator (view the flyer HERE) - position begins in 2025
If you would like to start sooner, we also have a need for Underage Drinking Prevention (UAD) Coordinators. UAD Coordinators empower parents and youth to engage in critical conversations about the dangerous and long-term impacts of underage drinking.
Contact: Ree Ford; ree.ford@madd.org or 651-523-0802 ext. 2754
Help at the Mobile Food Drops! You will be loading free food into peoples vehicles. It is a drive-thru style give-away. Mobile Food Drops happen in Bagley and Bemidji.
Contact: Kristin Osowski, kosowski@northcountryfoodbank.org
North Homes is committed to providing a community-based continuum of compassionate care to children and families. They understand that every individual and family is unique, which is why they offer a wide range of children and family services designed to meet their specific needs.
Website: www.northhomes.org
Job Opportunities: HERE
Northern Minnesota Addiction Wellness Center provides inpatient residential treatment services and peer support addiction recovery for long-term management.
Website: www.nmawcenter.com
Contact: Ashley or Ana at 218-308-8600
Job Opportunities: HERE
Northwest Indian Community Development Center’s mission is to identify, coordinate and deliver resources that promote wellness and equity for American Indian families in northwest and north-central Minnesota.
Website: www.nwicdc.org
Check for Job Opportunities: HERE
Contact: 218-759-2022 - Call and ask how you can be involved and volunteer.
Northwoods Caregivers offers many services including respite, homemaking, caregiving support, aging life care, and more. Visit their website to learn more about those services and how you can volunteer and help!
Job Opportunities: https://northwoodscaregivers.org/employment/
Website: https://northwoodscaregivers.org/
Contact: jenn.cole@co.beltrami.mn.us
We build houses! Your gift of time will help a family realize their dream of home ownership. Opportunities to help abound at Habitat including building, repair (A Brush With Kindness), ReStore, and Committees.
View their Volunteer flyer HERE.
Highlighted Volunteer Opportunity: Join the Resource Development Committee! They meet on the 1st Wed of each month at 8:30 am. They have big plans for fundraising projects in 2025, but need more help. They are looking for people who are passionate about affordable housing, and have an outgoing personality. Those interested can call 218-751-4649 or email info@northwoodshabitat.org. CLICK HERE to view their flyer.
Website: https://www.habitatbemidji.org/get-involved.html
Contact: Brandon Mustful at brandon.mustful@northwoodshabitat.org
ReStore is part of Northwoods Habitat for Humanity. The ReStore is full of household goods like furniture donated by the community to help raise funds towards their Habitat for Humanity efforts of home building and repair programs. Volunteers are needed for retail sales assistance. Volunteers may help in a variety of areas; cashier, janitorial, donation processing, repairs and maintenance, customer service and more!
Website: ReStore: https://www.habitatbemidji.org/restore.html | Northwoods Habitat for Humanity: https://www.habitatbemidji.org/
Contact: Brandon Mustful at brandon.mustful@northwoodshabitat.org
Job Opportunity: ReStore Manager; https://www.habitatbemidji.org/employment.html
Ruby's Pantry is a pop-up food pantry and is for ANYONE! Each guest donates $25 and receives an abundance of grocery items. It is the 3rd Wednesday afternoon of every month at Sanford Center. Volunteers help set-up and/or hand out food.
Website: www.rubyspantry.org/location/51 (fill out the volunteer application by clicking on volunteers at the top right of the website)
Contact: Julie, the Volunteer Coordinator, at bemidjirubyspantry@gmail.com
or Adam Smith at acsmith.homes@gmail.com, 218-760-1875 (call or text)
Sanford Health offers many volunteer opportunities including hospice, gift shop, office support, greeter, coffee cart, senior support and much more.
Highlighted opportunity: Sanford Bemidji Hospice; including companionship/socialization, respite, help with laundry. Great opportunity for students. View the FLYER HERE. Visit the website link below or contact Samantha Scandin at samantha.scandin@sanfordhealth.org to inquire.
Visit their website to learn more and to apply: Bemidji Volunteer Opportunities | Sanford Health
Society of Saint Vincent DePaul offers person-to-person service and support to individuals in need with such items as food/gas/clothing vouchers, utilities, rent, deposits, repairs, etc. Volunteers are coached on how to best help people.
Contact: Dale at 507-456-1235
Volunteer with the Bemidji High School Unified Club!
They have many ways to be involved whether helping out at Special Olympic events, traveling companions, joining their board, and so much more. Contact Jackie to learn more!
Contact: Jackie Stoffel, jacqueline_stoffel@isd31.net
Support Within Reach works to reduce the impact and harm of sexual violence for families and individuals in the communities they serve. Check out their website for all the volunteer opportunities including advocate support, helping with activities and events, joining their Board and much more!
Highlighted Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer On-Call Advocate, overnight shifts. View description HERE.
Website: supportwithinreach.org
Contact: contact@supportwithinreach.org or 1-800-708-2727
At Northern Minnesota Addiction Wellness Center in Bemidji, they provide inpatient residential treatment services in their facility, along with peer support addiction recovery for long-term management of this chronic and devastating illness.
Website: www.nmawcenter.com
Job Opportunities: HERE
Contact: 218-308-8600
BI-CAP’s YouthBuild program works with youth, ages 16-24 who have left the traditional school system. The program provides an opportunity for youth to spend 29 hours per week in academics, leadership development, and construction training. YouthBuild participants work four days a week earning the state minimum wage.
Website: www.bicap.org/projects/youth-build
Contact: Chris Mack; Program Manager; yb.bji@bicap.org or 218-333-9868