Minimum requirements for support include:
- Businesses agree to host one on-site presentation given by the United Way and your ‘adopted’ agency
- Businesses agree to sponsor an internal volunteer activity (kit-building) and/or agree to volunteer at the agency’s location (KIT BUILDING INFORMATION HERE)
Additional optional ways to support the adopted agency
- One-time or on-going volunteering at adopted agency for a specific time-period (i.e., monthly for 6 months OR quarterly for 1 year)
- Employee supply drives for the adopted agency
- Corporate financial donation
- Any other ideas, to be discussed with United Way and the agency
Interested in the ‘Adopt an Agency’ initiative? Please complete the Interest Form below and email it to Gretchen@UnitedWayBemidji.org.
If you are a United Way Partner Agency that is interested in completing an Interest Form, please contact Gretchen@UnitedWayBemidji.org.
LINC (Lead, Impact, Network, Change) is United Way’s 6-month young professional community impact course that introduces non-profit basics and community impact opportunities. Each year, the LINC cohort chooses a community impact project, based upon the information they learned from the course.
In 2023, the LINC cohort proposed an “Adopt an Agency” initiative as a way of developing meaningful connections with local businesses with United Way partners.
Thank you to Evolve Creative for designing the Adopt An Agency logo!