In honor of Kevin Cease and family


A ruptured appendix has landed Kevin Cease in the hospital. The good news: Kevin Cease is healing and getting better!

You can follow his healing journey here:  

Friends and family of Kevin Cease, have asked that in lieu of flowers, cards and gifts, that donations be made to the United Way of Bemidji Area, in honor of Kevin Cease and his family. United Way will communicate with the Cease family to let them know who made gifts in their family’s honor.

On behalf of the United Way and Bemidji community, a big THANK YOU to Kevin and the Cease family for all they do to support and celebrate life!

Donations can be mailed to United Way of Bemidji Area, PO Box 27, Bemidji MN 56619. Please note "In honor of Cease family" on the memo line. 

To donate online click below: